This is the webpage to my Matrix room, if you're looking for my actual website, go here

This is matrix room here is a judgment free zone.

Here's the thing, you can say anything as long as it fits these criteria:

  1. It doesn't judge needlessly.
  2. It reveals information with consent.
  3. It was in English, toki pona, or het din'he-ĝal'ju.
  4. It didn't ask ask for anybody named "john ban evasion".
  5. It wasn't selling anything.
  6. It wasn't biased towards any one minority.

Click here to submit a form entailing what you intend to enclose to someone, don't enclose the actual info though (other than your pronouns).

Infraction ofthese rules will result in a strike. 3 strikes will be implemented. Strike 1: you get demoted to default role, no mod previleges. Strike 2: you will be warned of ban, and the reason as to why you are going to be banned with the message as a reply. Strike 3:You're banned, you are to click here to submit an alibi.

Note: I'm not forcing you to speak English, just be sure that english is the language of priority.

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Also, you can tip me at 0x57F72d8aB7FA12ae067CF4F385aA8FfDa20678e7, or scan this qr code here: